• STEM Foundation

    Get girls interested in STEM

  • Maker Space

    A maker space community for girls

  • Code Girls

    Teaching girls how to code

  • Coding Skills Academy

    Market-led skills development

  • Skills For Their Future

    Give her an education

Get Involved


Get Involved

People and partnerships fuel this operation.
Thanks to your support, women and girls from underserved communities are in:

business lists
policy conversations
family decisions
…contributing to their society and economy.

Whether you want to donate time or money, the WITU Community is
always grateful for contributions to our cause.

Here are some ways you can support the tremendous work that we do:


Ready to commit your time to a greater purpose?

You could be the person who makes the difference for a WITU student who deserves a lifetime of success. You could be the one who helps her with her homework, offers industry advice…maybe you’re the one who simply listens to her.
Volunteers are the backbone of our organization. Here’s how you may serve our students:

  • Mentorship
  • Training
  • Motivational talks
  • Content development
  • Coaching
  • …and so much more!

Whether you have a special skill that you think will benefit our girls, or you want to personally support individuals as they go through our Programmes….
we guarantee your contribution will be highly valued.
Just see what some of our volunteers have to say about their experience:



As a nonprofit organization, our entire operation functions on the generous donations of others.

Your sponsorship could create a life of independence for a Ugandan woman or girl.
Your sponsorship could affect the Ugandan economy, elevate thousands of women from poverty, and add talented, underrepresented females to the digital job market.

Your dollar is more than money for us, it’s the future of an entire generation of Uganda.

It’s the means to a robust and stable life for women and girls whose talents would otherwise remain untapped.
Your contribution, whether large or small, means everything to those who need it.

Yes! I want to change a life today by DONATING


The WITU Network is a lifeline of resources for our students.

Here is how YOU can make sure we continue to expand:

You could be the one who helps her with her homework, and offers industry advice…maybe you’re the one who simply listens to her.

  • Follow us on social media: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
  • Share our work on your sites
  • Contact us with any connections to people and/or corporations that may be a good fit for us.

The movement for underserved women and girls in Uganda to contribute to the digital revolution is REAL…and it’s happening thanks to people like YOU.
Together, we are all stronger.
And together, we can keep the momentum going!

Support our movement today!
