Abaho Daphine

Abaho Daphine

From Volunteer to Executive Assistant

Before joining the WITU Skills Development program, I felt stuck as a volunteer, unsure of how to advance my career. Equipped with new skills, I applied for an opportunity within the company, and now I can proudly say I have the ability to write reports, manage tasks, and confidently attend high-level meetings as an Executive Assistant. The training not only improved my typing, editing, and communication skills but also gave me the confidence to thrive in my role.

It wasn’t just the technical skills that made a difference. The life skills I gained through the program helped me realize that I am enough, that I have the ability to create a successful path for myself. This newfound confidence has been transformative, allowing me to shed the label of “failure” I once felt due to not having a job. Today, I feel empowered and capable, knowing that I can build a future I’m proud of.